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Some things you pay for.
The best things pay for themselves.

Our advisory fee for the Automated Investing Account is simple — just 0.25% annually. Not only do you get the luxury of effortless investing, but thanks to our tax-saving software, it can pay for itself, and then some.

Start investing

Want to invest in individual stocks instead? Learn more about Stock Investing

Our fee✨ Your ever-growing wealth✨
How inexpensive is automated investing really?
Annual advisory fee
Your monthly cost

$3.18? You'd pay more to cut a spare key for your new boo 💕

Hire robots, save money.
It's that simple.
We saved you $78.11 on your taxes with Tax-Loss Harvesting.
Our robots — that is, our software — never stop looking for ways to help you maximize returns and lower your taxes. Our Tax-Loss Harvesting strategy can typically cover our annual fee more than 11x over, for Automated Investing clients using the Classic portfolio.
And not just money.
Save your tired eyeballs, too.
We automatically invested your $500 deposit and re-balanced your portfolio.
Time is money. And by letting software make the trades — and rebalancing and reinvesting your portfolio — we’ll unglue you from the time-suck that’s your screen. That frees you to see what you want to see, like how much value we can add to your bottom line. While you do nothing.
Built by our experts.
Managed by our software.
Classic PortfolioManage all time estimated taxes saved1.7% today3M6M1Y3Y5YALLTransfer moneyUS Stocks44% current44% target
Automatic trades
Our software does all the trading for you to help you maximize returns.
Expert-built portfolios
Our recommended portfolios are built by financial experts and personalized to your risk profile.
paint brush
Fully customizable
Adjust your allocations and edit your portfolio with hundreds of funds to choose from.
Tax-Loss Harvesting
We find opportunities to turn market dips into tax savings, to help boost your after-tax returns.
Automatic rebalancing
We’ll balance your funds as the market moves to keep you in line with your investment targets.
party popper
Delightfully easy
Track your progress, see your net worth and link all your accounts in our easy-to-use app.
Save on taxes and watch the fee disappear.*
average boost in after-tax returns from Tax-Loss Harvesting savings
Classic portfolio clients whose fees were covered by tax savings
Start investing
Background banner of glowing stock icons
Floating stock tokens

Meet our stock investing account

Want to manage things yourself?
Invest in individual stocks.

Fractional shares. $0 commission trades. $1 to get started.
Other investing apps might show you what’s popular, but our Stock Investing Account lets you skip the endless hours of research to find companies not on your radar and see stocks in a whole new light. Browse 35+ pre-built collections and invest in the companies you love without the advisory or management fees.